服務範圍 (Services)

服務範圍 (Services)

* 婚嫁相關: * Wedding related:
擇時, 擇日, 擇方 等等 Best timing, Best big day, Best routing/location/direction
* 新生兒取名 * Baby naming services
* 百事咨詢: 1. 商業 2. 人生 3. 事業 4. 婚娶生育 5. 居家 等等 * General Consulting: 1. Business 2. Life 3. Career 4. Marriage/birth 5. Living, etc.
* 家居好風水: * Good housing FengShui:
1. 新居選址(單元房)和內部裝修; 1. New home site (apartments) and internal renovation;
2. 現有住宅風水調理服務; 2. Fengshui conditioning services for existing homes;
* 企業,商業,店鋪風水諮詢服務: * Corporate, commercial and shop Fengshui consulting services:
1. 環境選址; 1. Environmental Location;
2. 策劃佈局; 2. Planning the layout;
3. 風水有關諮詢; 3. Fengshui consultation;
4. 大型園區.工廠選址.地產樓盤.樓盤環境策劃; 4. Environment planning for large park, factory location and real estate;
聯絡:Fengshui.win@gmail.com Contact: Fengshui.win@gmail.com

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